Sunday, August 26, 2007

University Questions From Genetics (98-07)


1. Barr body (98D)
2. Characteristics of transmission of Hemophilia (98)
3. Down’s syndrome (2001M)
4. Eugenics (99)
5. Genetic code (2001)
6. Genetic counseling (99D, 2001M)
7. Genetic screening (2002)
8. Holandric inheritance (2005)
9. Karyotyping (2000, 2006)
10. Klinefelter syndrome (99, 2004, 2006, 2007)
11. Mutation (99D)
12. Pleitropy (2003)
13. Philadelphia syndrome (2002)
14. Recombinant DNA (2005)
15. Rh blood group inheritance (2003)
16. Sex chromosomes (2004)
17. Transcription (98)
18. Trisomy (2001, 2002F)
19. Turner’s syndrome (2007)
20. Y-linked inheritance (98D, 2000, 2002F)