Sunday, August 26, 2007

University Questions From Family Welfare (98-07)


1. AIDS prevention (2003)
2. Anatomical basis of permanent contraception method (2004)
3. Anatomical position of uterus (2007)
4. Antenatal sex determination (2002F)
5. Contraceptives (2006)
6. How will you investigate a couple without a child? (99D)
7. Infertility (2001)
8. Intrauterine contraceptive devices (2003)
9. Ovulation (98D)
10. Polio prevention (2001)
11. Safe period (98D, 2002)
12. Secondary sexual characters (98, 99, 2000, 2001M)
13. Sterility (2000)
14. Tubectomy (99D, 2002F, 2007)
15. Vasectomy (98, 99, 2001M, 2005)

University Questions From Genetics (98-07)


1. Barr body (98D)
2. Characteristics of transmission of Hemophilia (98)
3. Down’s syndrome (2001M)
4. Eugenics (99)
5. Genetic code (2001)
6. Genetic counseling (99D, 2001M)
7. Genetic screening (2002)
8. Holandric inheritance (2005)
9. Karyotyping (2000, 2006)
10. Klinefelter syndrome (99, 2004, 2006, 2007)
11. Mutation (99D)
12. Pleitropy (2003)
13. Philadelphia syndrome (2002)
14. Recombinant DNA (2005)
15. Rh blood group inheritance (2003)
16. Sex chromosomes (2004)
17. Transcription (98)
18. Trisomy (2001, 2002F)
19. Turner’s syndrome (2007)
20. Y-linked inheritance (98D, 2000, 2002F)

University Questions From General Anatomy (98-07)


1. Anastomosis (2001M)
2. Antagonist (99)
3. Blood supply of long bone (2002F, 2007)
4. Cartilagenous joint (99)
5. Cells of connective tissue (2004)
6. Collateral circulation (98D)
7. Deep fascia (98)
8. End artery (2000)
9. Epiphysis (2001M, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007)
10. Fibrocartilage (98)
11. Multipennate muscle (2002F)
12. Neuroglia (2005)
13. Periosteum (98D)
14. Pneumatic bones (2001)
15. Pseudoganglion (2001)
16. Syndesmosis (2000)
17. Synovial sheath (2002, 2003)
18. Typical spinal nerve (2006)
19. Uniaxial joints (2003)

University Questions From Histology


1. Aorta (89J, 93)
2. Articular cartilage (92A)
3. Body of Stomach (86F)
4. Bone (89J)
5. Cardiac muscle (89M, 93)
6. Cerebellum (89J, 92, 2001, 2002F, 2005)
7. Cerebrum (2007)
8. Compact bone (89J)
9. Cornea (86F, 2001M)
10. Duodenum (87A, 89M, 91F, 93, 2001, 2005)
11. Elastic cartilage (86F)
12. Endometrium (98)
13. Eyelid (2002, 2003)
14. Fundus of stomach (92F, 2000F)
15. Haversian system (91D)
16. Hepatic lobule/ Liver (98M, 98J, 99, 2000, 2001M)
17. Hypophysis cerebri/ Pituitary gland (89J, 92M, 2004, 2007)
18. Ileum (89J, 99)
19. Intrapulmonary bronchus (89M)
20. Kidney (89N, 99, 2006)
21. Lacrimal gland (90A)
22. Large artery (87A, 89M)
23. Nephron (93)
24. Non-articular hyaline cartilage (91D)
25. Oesophagus (2003, 2006)
26. Ovary (86F)
27. Palatine tonsil (86F, 89J, 2005, 2006)
28. Parathyroid (89N, 90A, 2002F)
29. Parotid gland (86F)
30. Pineal body (87A, 89N)
31. Retina (87A, 89N)
32. Seminal vesicle (2002)
33. Spinal cord (98, 2000)
34. Spinal ganglion (86F, 91F, 2001M, 2003)
35. Spleen (98, 2007)
36. Striated muscle (86F, 88J)
37. Suprarenal gland (2002F)
38. Sympathetic ganglion (90A, 93, 2002F, 2006)
39. Taste buds (90A)
40. Testis (90A, 2001)
41. Thick skin (87A, 88J)
42. Thymus (89M, 2002)
43. Thyroid cartilage (89J)
44. Thyroid gland (2001, 2004)
45. Tongue (91D, 2000)
46. Trachea (89M, 2007)
47. Transistional epithelium (92A, 98)
48. Ureter (2001M, 2005)
49. Uterine tube (89N, 2003)
50. Uterus (89J, 92M, 92)
51. Vas deferens (89J)
52. Vermiform appendix (89J)

University Questions From Embryology


1. Allantois (2002F)
2. Anomalies of development of face (2004)
3. Anomalies of kidney (94)
4. Appendices of testis (88, 89N)
5. Blastocyst (2003, 2006)
6. Brain vesicles (2002)
7. Branchial fistula (87, 89N, 2001)
8. Bucco-pharyngeal membrane (94)
9. Capacitation (2007)
10. Cerebellum (2003)
11. Cervical sinus (86, 88, 91F)
12. Chorion (87, 92M, 93M, 2001)
13. Choroid fissure (88)
14. Cleft palate (87, 88, 90)
15. Cloaca (88, 89, 2006)
16. Derivatives of 1st pharyngeal pouch (2004)
17. Derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal pouch (88F, 89N)
18. Derivatives of 3rd pharyngeal pouch (92)
19. Derivatives of 4th pharyngeal pouch (2001)
20. Derivatives of aortic arches (90)
21. Derivatives of floor of diencephalon (90)
22. Derivatives of neural crest (89, 98)
23. Derivatives of rhombencephalon (90)
24. Descent of testis (91, 2001M)
25. Devices to accommodate growing foetus (94)
26. Diaphragm (2007)
27. Dorsal mesocardium (86F)
28. Ductus venosus (89, 90, 91)
29. Ectopic pregnancy (88, 91D, 93N)
30. Ectopic testis (88, 93N)
31. Eruption of teeth (94)
32. Face (2002F)
33. Fallot’s tetralogy (88, 89, 91F, 91D)
34. Fate of sinus venosus (86, 89M)
35. Fertilization (99, 2005, 2006)
36. First pharyngeal pouch (86, 89)
37. Foetal age estimation (2003)
38. Gartner’s duct (88, 89N, 2001)
39. Gubernaculum testis (88)
40. Hare lip (92, 2000, 2007)
41. Head fold (87, 92M, 2002)
42. Hypophysis cerebri/ Pituitary gland (91, 99, 2001M)
43. Hypospadias (87, 89)
44. Implantation (2001M, 2004)
45. Inperforate anus (93)
46. Inter ventricular septum (98, 2001M, 2002F, 2003)
47. Intra atrial septum (86)
48. Intraembryonic mesoderm (2004)
49. Invitro fertilization (94, 98)
50. Kidney (86, 92M, 2005, 2006)
51. Lens of eye (89)
52. Ligamentum venosum (89)
53. Male urethra (2002F)
54. Meckel’s diverticulum (86, 90, 93M)
55. Mesodermal derivatives of 2nd arch (2001M)
56. Mesonephric duct (2002)
57. Neural crest (86, 2000, 2005)
58. Neurentric canal (89)
59. Notohord with its derivatives (86, 91D, 88, 91F, 2001M)
60. Oesophagus (2006)
61. Omphalocele (2001, 2005)
62. Oogenesis (2002)
63. Pancreas (86, 92M, 2003, 2007)
64. Paramesonephric duct and its development (86)
65. Parathyroid gland (2003)
66. Pericardium (2000, 2002)
67. Placental bladder (94)
68. Polycystic kidney (89, 89N, 91, 93)
69. Portal vein (87, 2006)
70. Primitive streak (93M)
71. Prostatic urethra (87)
72. Rathke’s pouch (86, 89N, 91F, 98)
73. Retina (2005)
74. Secondary mesoderm (94)
75. Sex determination (94)
76. Somites (86, 99, 2002F)
77. Spematogenesis (91, 93)
78. Spinal cord (2002F)
79. Structure of sperm (2007)
80. Suprarenal gland (86, 2000)
81. Thyroid gland (2002, 2006, 2007)
82. Thymus (88)
83. Tongue’s development (86A, 99D, 98, 2005, 2006)
84. Trophoblast (91)
85. Trigone of bladder (89)
86. Twinning (91, 93, 94)
87. Types of placenta (2001)
88. Upper lip (89)
89. Urogenital sinus (86)
90. Ventral mesogastrium (86)Yolk sac (86)

University Questions From Lower Limb


1. Adductor hallucis (2002)
2. Anastomosis at the back of thigh with its applied (91, 2001)
3. Ankle joint with its ligaments (92)
4. Arches of foot with their anomalies (88, 89M, 89N, 91F, 91D, 98, 99, 2000, 2001, 2002F, 2005)
5. Arteries of lower limb: Applied (2003)
6. Common peroneal nerve with its applied (89M, 89N)
7. Cruciate ligaments (89M, 89N, 90, 93)
8. Deep peroneal nerve (2007)
9. Deltoid ligament (93, 94, 2003)
10. Dermatomes and axial lines of lower limb (98, 99)
11. Dorsum of foot: Nerve supply (2002F)
12. Extensor retinacula (86, 92)
13. Femoral artery with applied (92)
14. Femoral hernia (98)
15. Femoral sheath (89, 98, 99, 2000, 2006)
16. Femoral triangle: Abnormal possible swellings (86, 93, 99, 2005)
17. Flat foot (92)
18. Flexor digitorum accessorius (2006)
19. Flexor retinaculum (2007)
20. Foot drop (93)
21. Glutei muscles with applied (91, 98)
22. Gluteus maximus: Structure under its cover (87)
23. Gluteus medius (93, 99, 2002F)
24. Great saphenous vein: Applied (2002F)
25. Greater sciatic notch (88)
26. Hip joint: Factors maintaining its stability (89)
27. Hip joint: Ligaments (2007)
28. Iliotibial tract (89, 93)
29. Inguinal lymph nodes (98, 92)
30. Inverion and eversion of foot with joints & muscles involved (86, 89)
31. Knee joint: Bursae (2003)
32. Knee joint: Ligaments and movements (87, 89, 2005)
33. Knee joint: Locking and unlocking (99J, 2001)
34. Knee joint: Menisci and its roles (88)
35. Knee joint: Patella and its role in movements (89)
36. Lateral plantar nerve (86, 2005)
37. Lateral rotators of hip (99)
38. Long/ Great saphenous vein (87, 99)
39. Lymphatic drainage of lower limb (89)
40. Obturator nerve with its applied (90, 98, 99)
41. Peroneus longus (94)
42. Peroneal retinaculum (2002)
43. Piriformis (89)
44. Plantar aponeurosis (91)
45. Popliteal artery with its applied (89, 99)
46. Popliteal fossa (89, 94)
47. Popliteal lymph nodes (94)
48. Popliteus (91, 98)
49. Profunda femoris artery (94, 2002, 2005)
50. Psoas major with applied (89)
51. Semimembranosus muscle (93)
52. Subsartorial canal/ Adductor canal (91, 98, 2003, 2006)
53. Sural nerve (99)
54. Tibilias anterior (99)
55. Trendelenberg sign (92)
56. Varicose veins (98M, 98J)
57. Varicose veins: Why all do not suffer from varicosity of veins? (94)
58. Venous drainage of leg (88)Weight transmission in inferior extremity (93)

University Questions From Abdomen


1. Anal canal (89, 2005)
2. Anterior abdominal wall: Blood supply and nerve supply (86)
3. Aponeurosis of anterior abdominal wall muscles (93)
4. Blood supply of rectum and anal canal (98)
5. Blood supply of stomach (99, 99D)
6. Broad ligament of uterus (86)
7. Caput medusae (89)
8. Common bile duct: Relations (2007)
9. Coverings of testis (2002)
10. Deep perineal pouch (86)
11. Deep perineal space (2003)
12. Duodenum: 1st part (89)
13. Duodenum: 2nd part (92, 2003)
14. Epiploic foramen (87, 2006)
15. Fascial covering of kidney (86)
16. Gall bladder (91, 2005)
17. Head of pancreas: Anatomy, histology & development (87, 90, 93, 98)
18. Hepatorenal pouch/ Morisson’s pouch (2000, 2006)
19. Ileo-caecal valve (91)
20. Inguinal canal with applied (92)
21. Inguinal hernia: Why all do not suffer from it? (94)
22. Inguinal ligament (91, 92, 93)
23. Inguinal lymph nodes (2007)
24. Inter-caval importance (94, 99)
25. Ischiorectal fossa (86, 88, 92, 94)
26. Kidney: Blood circulation (91)
27. Kidney: Blood supply (89)
28. Left suprarenal gland (89, 93, 98)
29. Left ureter in females (92)
30. Lesser omentum (86, 88, 90, 93, 2000)
31. Lesser sac (2007)
32. Liver acinus theory of Rappaport (93)
33. Male urethra (89, 91, 2005, 2006)
34. Obturator internus in pelvis (89)
35. Openings in diaphragm (87, 88, 2006)
36. Pelvic diaphragm (2002)
37. Pelvic splanchnic nerves (2002F)
38. Perineal body (2002F)
39. Perineal membrane (87)
40. Perineal membrane in females (99)
41. Porta hepatis (89)
42. Porto-caval anastomosis (86)
43. Posterior wall of rectus sheath (87, 94, 98)
44. Prostate with its applied (86, 98)
45. Prostatic urethra (92)
46. Pudendal canal (93M, 93N)
47. Right iliac fossa and right iguino-scrotal region: Ennumerate common swellings & clinical conditions on basis of anastomotic locations (98)
48. Right suprarenal gland (2005)
49. Spermatic cord (91, 93)
50. Spina bifida (2002)
51. Spleen (91, 98)
52. Splenic circulation (89, 93)
53. Splenic pedicles (89, 93)
54. Stomach bed (2007)
55. Stomach: Lymphatic drainage (2001, 2002F)
56. Subphrenic spaces: Ennumerate and mention their importance (94)
57. Superficial perineal pouch (89, 93, 2006, 2007)
58. Supports of uterus (94, 98, 2001)
59. Transverse mesocolon (87)
60. T.S. of abdomen through transpyloric plane (94)
61. Thoracoabdominal diaphragm (89, 2001, 2002)
62. Urinary bladder (88)
63. Urinary bladder: Innervation (89, 93, 94, 2001)
64. Urinary bladder: Lymphatic drainage (89)
65. Urogenital diaphragm (2000)
66. Urogenital system in males: Arterial supply (98)
67. Uterine tube (86)
68. Uterus (89, 91)
69. Vermiform appendix (86, 99)

University Questions From Upper Limb


1. Adductor pollicis (92)
2. Anastomosis around scapula (91, 2003)
3. Anastomosis around elbow: Labelled diagram (2007)
4. Anatomical snuff-box (2002F)
5. Annular ligament (91)
6. Anomalies of finger (91)
7. Anterior cubital veins (91)
8. Axillary lymph nodes (2002)
9. Axillary artery: 3rd part with its applied (87)
10. Axillary nerve with its applied (91, 92)
11. Brachial artery: Its source of development & anastomosis around elbow (89, 91)
12. Brachial plexus: Formation. Describe its posterior cord with applied (86, 91, 98, 2001)
13. Breast: Lymphatic drainage (87, 90, 98, 99, 2000, 2004)
14. Carpal tunnel syndrome (89, 99, 2002F, 2005, 2007)
15. Cephalic vein (99)
16. Clavipectoral fascia (2003, 2005, 2006)
17. Contractures of hand (88)
18. Cubital fossa (92, 94, 98, 99, 2006)
19. Deep branch of ulnar nerve (2007)
20. Dermatomes of upper limb (89, 98, 99)
21. Dorsal digital expansion/ Extensor expansion in hand (89, 91, 93, 2000)
22. Erb’s point (87, 89)
23. Extensor retinacula (98)
24. Fascial palmar spaces with applied (89, 91, 93, 2000)
25. Flexor retinacula (94)
26. Horner’s syndrome (88, 92, 98, 99)
27. Interossei muscles (2003, 2005, 2006)
28. Interosseous membrane of forearm (86)
29. Lateral rotators of scapula (2002)
30. Lumbricals of hand (88, 99)
31. Median nerve and its dermatomal distribution (89, 2003)
32. Median nerve: Effect of its injury in the forearm (87)
33. Midpalmar space (2002, 2006)
34. Movements of scapula/ Movements of shoulder girdle (89, 91, 93, 98)
35. Name abnormal conditions of hand due to lesions of nerve/ trunk (99)
36. Palmar aponeurosis (2002)
37. Pronation and supination (2004)
38. Pronator teres (87, 92)
39. Quadrangular space/ Scapulo-humoral spaces (87, 94, 2001)
40. Radial nerve in arm and its applied (93, 94, 98, 99, 2005)
41. Radial nerve: Effect of its injury in the spiral groove (87, 2004)
42. Radio-ulnar joint (2002)
43. Rotator cuff of shoulder joint (2007)
44. Shoulder joint: Bursae (91)
45. Shoulder joint and abduction at the joint (88, 99)
46. Shoulder joint: Movements (98)
47. Sternoclavicular joint (91)
48. Superficial palmar arch (86, 96, 2004)
49. Supinator (91, 99, 2000, 2002F)
50. Thumb: Movements (87, 99)
51. Ulnar nerve in palm/ hand (91, 98, 2001)
52. Use of blood vessels of upper limb by doctors (99)
53. Weight transmission in and from superior extremity (93)
54. Winging of scapula (98, 99)
55. Wrist drop (94)
56. Wrist joint (90, 92, 97)

University Questions From Thorax


1. Ascending aorta and its development (86)
2. Azygos vein (90, 92, 93, 98, 2002F, 2005)
3. Broncho-pulmonary segments (86, 89, 91, 94, 98, 99D, 99J, 2000)
4. Cardiac plexus of nerves (90)
5. Coarctation of aorta (89)
6. Coronary angiography (2006)
7. Coronary artery: Applied (2002F)
8. Coronary sinus (2000)
9. Costal cartilage (93)
10. Costo-diaphragmatic recess (2007)
11. Fibrous pericardium (93)
12. First intercostal space (2003)
13. Heart: Venous drainage (2002)
14. Hilum of left lung (99J)
15. Infra cardiac bursa (91)
16. Inlet of thorax (94)
17. Innervation of lung (93)
18. Interatrial septum (2006)
19. Intercostal arteries (2007)
20. Interior of right atrium (86, 89J, 89M, 92, 93)
21. Interventricular septum of heart (87, 93, 94)
22. Left coronary artery (89, 93)
23. Left thoracic wall: Lymphatic drainage (89)
24. Lumbar puncture (94)
25. Mediastinum (2001)
26. Mediastinum: Applied (2003)
27. Pleura (2002F)
28. Pleura: Applied (2005)
29. Pleural recesses (91, 92, 93, 98, 99, 2001)
30. Pulmonary ligament (91M, 91D)
31. Pulmonary plexus (2000)
32. Pulmonary trunk and its development (86)
33. Pump handle movements (2002F)
34. Relations of arch of aorta (86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 98, 99, 2005, 2007)
35. Relations of mediastinal surface of right lung (89)
36. Relations of oesophagus in thorax (98)
37. Ribs: Movements and joints at which these movements occur (89, 93)
38. Right coronary artery (98, 99, 2001, 2007)
39. Right ventricle of heart (91)
40. Root of lung (2006)
41. Sinuses of pericardium (86, 89, 2003)
42. Splanchnic nerve (87, 94, 98, 2002)
43. Sternal angle (2002)
44. Suprapleural membrane/ Sibson’s fascia (2000)
45. Thoracic duct (99J, 2003)
46. Thorax passing through sternal angle: Labelled T.S. (98, 99, 2001)
47. Typical intercostal nerve (91, 2005)
48. Typical intercostal space (99J)
49. Vertebral column: Normal and abnormal curvatures; advantages and disadvantages of these curvatures (99)

University Questions From Brain


1. Anterior column of spinal grey matter (94)
2. Archicerebellum and paleocerebellum: Connections and functions (99)
3. Ballismus: Applied (2002)
4. Basal nuclei (88, 91)
5. Blood vessels of brain (2003)
6. Caudate nucleus (2003)
7. Cerebellar syndrome (99)
8. Cerebral hemisphere through mamillary body: Labelled diagram (98)
9. Cerebral hemisphere: Draw and label superolateral surface (2006)
10. Cerebrum: Venous drainage (90, 94)
11. Choroid fissure: Development (88, 91)
12. Circle of willis (91)
13. Claustrum (2002)
14. Corpus callosum (86, 91, 2004, 2006)
15. Crossed hemiplegia due to lesion at various levels (99M, 99)
16. CSF: Production, circulation and absorption (98, 2000)
17. Dysarthria (94)
18. Floor of 4th ventricle (94, 98, 98J, 99, 2004)
19. Fornix (86, 98)
20. Hindbrain: Blood supply (98)
21. Internal arcuate fibres (89, 91, 93, 98)
22. Internal capsule (86, 89, 92, 93, 2000, 2007)
23. Internal capsule: Blood supply (91, 98)
24. Interpeduncular fossa: Boundaries and contents (2004)
25. Lateral geniculate body (86, 90, 98, 99, 98M, 2005)
26. Lateral lemniscus (90, 2001)
27. Lateral medullary syndrome of Wallenberg/ Bulbar paralysis (2005)
28. Medial lemniscus (87, 90, 99, 2001, 2002F, 2003)
29. Medial longitudinal bundle (2002)
30. Midbrain: Diagram of lower half (98)
31. Midbrain: Diagram of upper half (99, 2001)
32. Middle cerebral artery (90, 2007)
33. Motor cortex (88, 93, 2005)
34. Neurobiotaxis with two examples (94, 2001)
35. Nuclei of cerebellum (87, 89, 91)
36. Olfactory bulb and tract (88, 93)
37. Olive (87)
38. Paracentral lobule (92)
39. Pyramidal tract (89)
40. Red nucleus (86, 89, 98, 2002F)
41. Spinal cord: Blood supply (2002)
42. Spinal lemniscus/ Lateral spinothalamic tract (98, 2007)
43. Spinal meninges (91)
44. Subarachnoid cisterns (2003)
45. Superior colliculus (91, 2000)
46. T.S. of medulla oblongata and motor decussation (2006)
47. T.S. of midbrain at the level of superior colliculus (2005)
48. Tela choroidea of 3rd ventricle (86)
49. Tela choroidea of 4th ventricle (87)
50. Thalamic nuclei (94, 2001)
51. Uncus (89, 92)
52. Vestibular nucleus (89)
53. Visual pathway and lesion at the level of optic chiasma (91, 2000)
54. Visual pathway: Blood supply (94)
55. Wernicke’s area (2002F)

University Questions From Head And Neck


1. Ansa cervicalis (2007)
2. Auditory tube/ Eustachian tube (89, 2002F, 2003)
3. Auriculotemporal nerve (2002)
4. Bell’s palsy (2005, 2007)
5. Carotid sheath (2006)
6. Carotid sinus and body (90)
7. Carotid triangle: Boundaries and contents (98)
8. Cavernous sinus: Relations and communications (86, 90, 91, 2001)
9. Cervical part of sympathetic chain (89)
10. Chorda tympani nerve (93, 2000, 2002F)
11. Ciliary ganglion (86, 90)
12. Cricothyroid (91, 93, 97)
13. Dacryocystites (2006)
14. Dangerous area of face (2007)
15. Emissery veins: Applied anatomy (2003)
16. Epicranial aponeurosis (2003)
17. Epistaxis (94)
18. External carotid artery with its branches, name the sites of anastomosis between branches of external carotid artery & internal carotid artery (88)
19. External jugular vein (91D, 93)
20. Eye-ball: Movements (2001)
21. Eye-ball: Oblique muscles and applied (89)
22. Facial artery (91)
23. Facial nerve: Origin, course, distribution and effect of lesion at various points of its course (89, 91)
24. Ganglia: Define, classify, name ganglia of sensory cranial nerves (94)
25. Glossopharyngeal nerve: Components & structures supplied (88, 98D)
26. Horner’s Syndrome (99M)
27. Hyoglossus and its relations (89, 2002, 2004)
28. Inferior alveolar nerve (2004)
29. Intracranial venous sinuses: Name and classify them, applied anatomy of cavernous sinus (86, 90, 91)
30. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia (99D)
31. Larynx and pharynx: Innervation (94)
32. Larynx: Nerve supply (91)
33. Lingual artery (86, 92, 93)
34. Lingual nerve: Components, effects of lesion when cut near origin (90)
35. Maxillary artery: Course and branches (99D)
36. Maxillary sinus with applied (86, 91D, 2000)
37. Middle meatus of nose (87)
38. Middle meningeal artery (2002)
39. Mylohyoid musle (2005)
40. Nasal septum (88, 89, 2004)
41. Nasal Septum: Blood supply (2000)
42. Naso-lacrimal duct (89)
43. Organs of corti (89)
44. Otic ganglion (91, 2005, 2007)
45. Palatine tonsil (90)
46. Palatine tonsil: Applied (2002F)
47. Palatine tonsil: Blood supply (94)
48. Parotid gland: Applied (2002)
49. Parotid gland: Relations (94)
50. Posterior triangle of neck: Applied anatomy (2003)
51. Pupil of eye (98)
52. Recurrent laryngeal nerve: Surgical anatomy (2004)
53. Rima Glottidis (90, 92, 2000, 2002F)
54. Scalenous anterior (86)
55. Scalp and face: Lymphatic drainage (94)
56. Scalp: Anatomy and dangerous zones (99D)
57. Scalp: Blood supply and applied anatomy (89, 98, 99M)
58. Soft palate (2006)
59. Submandibular salivary gland (86)
60. Superior orbital fissure (91, 2006)
61. Temporomandibular joint: Movements (99M, 2003)
62. Thyroid gland with its applied (86, 92, 93, 2001)
63. Tongue: Anatomy and applied (87)
64. Tongue: Nerve supply, lymph drainage & development (89, 93, 98, 2001)
65. Tongue: Lymphatic drainage (2007)
66. Trochlear nerve (92)
67. Tubo-typmanic recess (90)
68. Tympanic membrane (86, 91, 93, 99M)
69. Vestibular apparatus of internal ear (88)
70. Vocal cord (2005)